hello purveyors of heaven

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I read many of your entries I missed while not being super online. You are a very lovely person. I love seeing you share your thoughts and interests. I hope you continue for a long time <3
crow-queen 1 month ago

thank you so much <3

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I put up thoughts on Mouthwashing! Feel free to give me your thoughts as well. I feel conflicted.
ophanimkei 1 month ago

To be honest I think I'd like it more if it wasn't for the general population's reaction to it!

thatoddhaystack 1 month ago

you reminded me that I never added mouthwashing to my own media log... I do agree with you in that I experienced mouthwashing way before it became popular and I think I enjoyed it more when it was just me and a few friends discussing it...

loves1ck 1 month ago

What a good read. I admittedly hate Mouthwashing because of the fandom it garnered and also for a personal reasons. It makes me mad that in our society there has to be a game for a man to play to possible even consider that he or his friends could be like anyone in MW. All the thinkpieces written about MW by men make me annoyed bc they all boil down to "women in our society are unsafe??? omg..." but other than that

loves1ck 1 month ago

I can appreciate the artistry and time it took to make MW. I guess I'm a bit conflicted too haha

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eggdev 1 month ago

I absolutely loved reading your feelings on the game. True points and really scary, frustrating feelings are invoked all around, and I often wish to myself that Anya should've gotten more...more?? out of it all. There's a lot I'd like to say, too but limitations here;; I'm glad to know other peoples' thoughts and opinion on a game that rly, rly struck me deeply. I'd like to write abt it myself sometime. <3

acetaminophriends 1 month ago

I often wish the game had never been released. Maybe for somewhat different reasons--I hate that people who can't interact with a story without making a joke of it, that only "consume" media without reflecting, have gotten ahold of Mouthwashing. I hate people made it about Jimmy and Curly. You don't have to go far to find someone explaining the themes plain as day and people still don't care

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acetaminophriends 1 month ago

Artistically, Mouthwashing is amazing. But as far as its achievements? All I can say is people have made their apathy and nastiness extremely clear in response.

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acetaminophriends 1 month ago

And because that response is so loud, even when I see fanart or writing that takes it seriously, it makes me angry.

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inkcaps 2 months ago

The art and layout for this is sooooo cuuuuteeeee, I'm obsessed ;o;

ophanimkei 2 months ago

Thank you //^w^//

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maphren 2 months ago

ive been so obsessed w confessions of a rotten girl, this layout is so killer :D

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So lovely
susiecards 2 months ago

Thank you so much!


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