Neon rust n' alien dust!

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*Casually proceeds to make more artworks to add in the gallery later* Oh yess- it does feel good to be finally satisfied with my style :’] Hnghh, for real, I can’t wait to set up a gallery properly on my site- I wanna do it masonry style, so that all my pieces fit in together like a jigsaw...
ninacti0n 2 years ago

By this, I mean only the main gallery with my best works- I’m still considering making an archive of some kind in there too :7

ninacti0n 2 years ago

And btw- I’m collecting some cool links for the resources page and almost finished fixing the structure of the links page! I just need to make more assets to complete it for good.

I've officially lived one more year today!! WOO- It's also my day to eat cake :]
splattacks 2 years ago

happy birthday !! :]

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Eee, thank you Nat! ^^

anapolisis 2 years ago

Happy birthday!!!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Aw, thank you Konbie! :'D

odditycommoddity 2 years ago

hell yeah man hbd!!!

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thenri 2 years ago

oh happy birthday!!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Yoo, thank you Glowstick! :P

ninacti0n 2 years ago

And thank you Theran! Really glad to have all you guys' wishes! ⚡✨

cinnamuff 2 years ago

happy birthday!

Next up, I'm planning on revamping my links page and creating the resources one! My gallery will have to wait a bit, since what I wanna do on it requires some extra planning lol
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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Also- do you guys have any ideas on what I could do with the orange aside in my homepage? I thought about adding some rectangular animations in it, but I wanna hear any other cool ideas you might have :P

So guys... how are we feeling today? I'm tired and inspired at the same time :'P Still drawing, but currently painting more stuff for myself than assets...
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Heya there! Just visited your webbed corner and had a fun time exploring the pages! The vault has a bunch of interesting stuff and your doodles are cool n' cute! I like the style :] Wish ya luck expanding upon this place with your coding skills! ^^
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venoshock 2 years ago

thank you so much!!! your site is so funky and fun!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Aw, you're very welcome!! And eee, thank you so much!! Those were the vibes I was going for! I'm also looking forward to making it more interactive in the future :]

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WOO, 19.000 VIEWS AND 90 FOLLOWERS- SUPER WILD!! Thank you all SO MUCH!! :'D ⚡✨
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, and on another note- I think I figured out how to fix the overflow issue! I had to set the line height for the paragraphs, since I used a sheet reset to clean up the default sheet declarations :P I'll do the same to my other pages!

deadeyedelight 2 years ago

The art looks fucking great.

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starsbeyondreach 2 years ago

your site is so cool : )

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

@deadeyedelight Oh wow, thank you so much!! I’m flattered you enjoy it that much :’]

ninacti0n 2 years ago

@bluewave Aww, thank you so much! ^^ It means a lot you think so! 💫

lionium 2 years ago

Nice guest book! I've signed it..

ninacti0n 2 years ago

Lol, I just deleted the other update because it showed an ugly HTML file that was inside the fonts folder xD Since I was afraid to get errors on my font again, I copied the whole font kit and pasted it inside my directory.

Update on the font quest- I figured out how to fix it!! I had to make it "bulletproof" by adding other font types + a fix to my font kit! Now it should render perfectly! :D And looks like Edge is handling it nicely too!
layang 2 years ago

ok so i decided to check ur website on my edge and chrome and this is what it looks like on both:

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layang 2 years ago

what have i done

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh wait, my bad- I figured it out already! The font path wasn't linked to the font folder xP Now it should work!

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webcatz 2 years ago

it's still being weird on my end, even after refreshing :-(. this is what it looks like btw

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Aw man... Idk what I could do to fix your issue Tz- the overflow I was having already got contained, I even had to mess with the grids to fix it. Though if you have any idea on what I could do, I'm open to testing!

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layang 2 years ago

@ninacti0n i know a little gird (i've done web projects on grid and my original layout was grid) so if you do't mind, i can take a look at ur page source and see what ur working with.

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

@Layang Oh, sure! My grid system is kind of convoluted lol, I wanted it to feel spontaneous and have an interesting flow from a container to another. That issue is weird- you already viewed my page through Firefox and it looked ok, right? :P

layang 2 years ago

hmm...there are places where the text does jump out of its box. here: and here: (but it doesn't take me out of the experience that much, like i hardly noticed. the aesthetic of your home page is still spot-on <3)

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Alright, it's important question time: how do you see the font of my site on the browsers you use? Cause I'm starting to think Edge messes with the way it renders... and yes, I use Edge for all the coding work :'/
layang 2 years ago

just looked through most of your webpages and i can read the font just fine. the font on your "about" page even sits on the notebook lines pretty well.

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

If it's the case, I might switch browsers to make sure I see the font in a proper way to fix the spacing n' stuff- I was already suspecting that something looked weird, since all my letters look more cramped than they should xD

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

@Layang Ok, that's good! How do you see it? Is it clear or chunky?

layang 2 years ago

oh yeah i use firefox, and i'd say that most of the font is pretty widely spaced (except for the about page which is more "normally" spaced). also, kudos for using edge lol.

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layang 2 years ago

the font is clear for me on both my monitors, like the edges aren't fuzzy. i have both a 15" (1536 × 731) and 24" (1920 × 947) screen.

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, how nice to hear! You're seeing it as intended then. Thanks for the feedback, Layang! ^^ I chose to use Edge because it's lightweight and I'm already used to the devtools, but if it's necessary, I'm up to change!

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layang 2 years ago

no judgement! i actually just switched from chrome to firefox and the adjustment definitely throws me off sometimes. i think it's better for people to just use what's familiar to them, esp for something that's just a fun lil personal project <3

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Here's how I see my font on edge: It was supposed to look different than this, but it's how I see it :P

ninacti0n 2 years ago

Also yes, I agree with you- I'll stick to what I'm used to working with, but if the difference is way too conflicting (even on mobile it looks better lol), I'll do what I can! :] Let's hope for the best!

layang 2 years ago

wait...that's how i see the that not right??? lmao omg, have i been giving you the wrong info?? here's a screenshot from me:

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Huh?? Ok, now I'm a bit confused xD It seems the way the font is being rendered isn't right for some reason lol. I gotta investigate >:T

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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic