Neon rust n' alien dust!

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In due time, rest assured guys- I'll manage to make a crazy ton of new assets for my site xD I'm still very excited to change the resources' page's aesthetic and add new stuff to the homepage, I just need some more time :P
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also... Idk if anyone noticed, but I added an animated version of the classic Neocities button to my ENTER page lol. I've been meaning to do it for a while!

ninacti0n 1 year ago

I couldn't find time to do anything at all aaa- I've been super busy with a whole bunch of stuff, while feeling super tired :'P At least I've finally fixed the links of the socials page, and changed a bit of the aesthetic.

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also, I just noticed FireAlpaca is quite the easy software for animating things, so I'm gonna use it for simple GIFs, such as buttons, blinkies and other stuff :P I wanna make stamps too, but I'll use Krita for them.

Guys, guess what?? Now it's OFFICIAL! I've finally released my album of KORG DS-10 songs! Here's the link to it-
robophobia 1 year ago

Your tracks have such a great electronic vibe!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I- wow, that means a whole lot to me, thank you!! Your songs are really cool with the retro vibes n' funky beats, so I'm flattered you enjoyed my humble album!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I think my greatest challenge was creating harmony with the melodies, since the synths were monophonic lol. I even replaced some of the drums with melodic imputs to give more depth! :P

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also oop- I actually changed my link, so this one above broke :/ Here’s the fixed one-

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robophobia 1 year ago

You did a great job with that challenge! Limitations can be great to help reflect on the creative process and how to tackle creating a composition. The approach of implying harmonies through melodic lines is definitely a cool thing that I've really appreciated from things like video game music and it definitely shines through here!

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Heya there! Just checked your art, and your style has a very eye-popping vibe! It's retro, but in a different way ^^ Good luck with all the coding!
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caramellcast 1 year ago

Oh my gosh thank you so so much!!! I totally love your website too and all the assets you made! Everything is so bright and yet grunge-y its such a cool contrast!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Aw, you're very welcome!! And eee, thank you so much!! :'D It took me a great while to figure out which aesthetics clicked with me, and can say I'm definitely enamored with neon colors, retro vibes and sci-fi grunge! I love them all to bits-

Sup guys- I took a break from some of the coding, I felt like working a lot more on my sketchbook and traditional stuff in general. Kind of a way to rest my head, I guess ^^ Hope you are doing alright!
your site's aesthetic is so RAD it makes me think of Invader Zim! :D thank you for checking out my page, good luck with yours ;v;
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Eee sorry for the late reply, I was feeling so burned out :'P Thank you so much!! I'm super happy you enjoyed the funky vibes I tried to infuse in my site :] And you're welcome! It was my pleasure!

Heya there! You’ve already got a cozy aesthetic going on in your homepage! Wish you luck with all the coding! ^^
I- can't believe... how the heck did I get 100 FOLLOWERS and more than 20.000 VIEWS this fast...?! *inhales* aAA- THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! It means a whole lot you chose to stick around my web journey :'D There's still so much I wanna do-
meyyebs 1 year ago

eyyyy congrats!!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Eee, thank you so much Arden! ⚡

freqwww 1 year ago

You are being clicked so hard!

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Finished painting one of the assets for my about page! Little by little, this website will become increasingly more detailed :]

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Alsoo- I just realized I got accepted into the NeoCreatives webring, and just added the widget to my ENTER page! Woohoo! ^^

Hnngh, I'm now filled with an urge to change the resources page's aesthetic to be retro >:T The current vibes are pretty dang boring lol, I wanna spice it up a bit! Also, I'm willing to add little secrets and clickable stuff on my pages... those large side margins will make more sense later on ;]
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also- I've got a question: so, you guys know that thing when you click on an image and a viewer pops up with it bigger? I was wondering if it's possible to do the same thing with other stuff besides images... that would be really handy for me to implement hidden thingies without needing a standalone HTML page :P

icecreampizzer 1 year ago

OHH that's so cool! can't wait to see what you've got in store >:3 also i think you can do the clickable stuff with anything besides images, i think modals work with anything (though even I dont understand anything about javascript as much ahaha)

ninacti0n 1 year ago

@icecreampizzer Aw, glad to hear you're excited! I have so many plans my head even hurts... I really wanna go towards the interactive route, even if I do it at a slow pace. And thank you so much for telling me the name of that function lol, I'm still gonna get into JS, so knowing the specific thing I need is a huge time saver xD Can't wait to use it to make things more game-like ;7

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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding