Emma's rabbit hole :3

40 updates
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Hello to the 3 people following me right now xP it's been a while but i just want to let you guys know that i'm gonna get around to actually editing the site layout and y'know...making it an actual SITE soon!!! I still have a couple things on my to-do list (one of which being to actually LEARN HTML) but i'm VERY excited to get started!!! I've made a mockup of what i want the site to be and (1/2)
h0ppinh00ligan 3 weeks ago

I've made a list of stuff i wanna talk about on my future blog ^w^ (it's VERY long) this probably won't be for a while though, i have a fanfic planned for my wattpad (my username on there is H0ppin_H00ligan bee tee dubz) and it might take a while for me to finish it (it's gonna be a oneshot but still...) not to mention idk how long it would take to learn HTML but yea!!! Stay tuned!!!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 12, 2024
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