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new blog entry!~
The house looks gorgeous! Also - I have those same medicine cabinets in the same bad shape. was just going to replace them but now I'm going to check out the restoration video you linked.
wahhhhh congrats on the house! I can only imagine how much work it is to restore it, but the results so far are worth it! It's amazing what changing the floors do. * __ * ♡♡
congrats on the house! absolutely wild that just removing that previous flooring really made a difference. and the table you found is lovely <3
@divergentrays Thanks! You should definitely try it out, I didn't think it'd be possible to restore in the condition mine was in, but it wasnt too hard at all! Sanding everything takes most the time, but everything else was quick and easy
@inkcaps thank you sm!! It's a lot of work, but its so rewarding and worth it - im excited to work more on it and share the progress!
@digibun thanks!! It really exceeded my expectations, the pictures don't do justice on how much brighter the rooms feel with the new flooring!
the house is coming together so wonderfully oh my gosh.. that dining table is EVERYTHING, and i'm so impressed with the medicine cabinet!! i bet you guys are so excited ^_^
nice FB marketplace find!