Pumpkin Patch

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Pumpkin Patch was updated.
1 month ago
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3legged 1 month ago

o7 123guestbook my friend. Archived the old version with the wayback machine, and ported all the old comments across to a self-hosted version

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3legged 2 months ago

(literally just fixing a typo)

3legged 4 months ago

I'm alive lmao, just keeping busy with all kinds of other nonsense. Happy 1 year to this site being live, though!

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3legged 4 months ago

anyway a few little fixes and additions, as well as a bunch of new drawings added to the art zone :)

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fragolata 3 months ago

love this!!! <3

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3legged 7 months ago

this is NOT a functioning game yet don't look too hard at it or it might fall over

item64 7 months ago

Ohh this is rlly cool.

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It has been a hot minute since I've logged into nc whoops- I've been distracted by coding toyhouse profiles instead. Anyway. I'm working on something Completely Different that you may or may not witness some test builds of on the feed sometime in the nearish future
3legged 9 months ago

New Journal Post! I am once again confused by which page neocities chooses to use as the big preview OTL

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3legged 10 months ago

New blog post! Still not got the knack of determining which page neocities will use as the main preview 🙃 but you can view it here:

Hello! Sorry for the slight delay, but the link to download the tagged zonelets script is now up :) You'll find it at the bottom of the original blog post here:
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thatoddhaystack 11 months ago

no worries! thanks so much!!

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3legged 11 months ago

Updated with a link to download the script if you want to add tags to your own zonelets blog!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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