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corru 1 year ago

EP3::"The repairs to the ███████ continue, unveiling the truth of the tragedy."

corru 1 year ago

this update adds part 2 of 3 to the collapse! it's significantly longer than the first part, and will probably be longer than the next part... you can access it by just loading your collapse save! remember to hard refresh, neocities can be weird about cache stuff

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corru 1 year ago

this update is specific to the embassy and does not yet feature any content elsewhere - that will come in an additional update! but despite this, there were a lot of things changed in this, i mean a freakin lot... let me know here or in the corrucord if you spot any bugs!! (

corru 1 year ago

thank u for da patience everyone and i hope it will have been worth it!

corru 1 year ago

P.S. if you're having issues even after hard refreshing, try loading your save into the mirror: and playing there for now

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mooeena 1 year ago

Let's go!!!

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sleepyavery 1 year ago

pls mx corru dev add a skip fight button, i want to read about the funny abliens but do not enjoy the combat :(

corru 1 year ago

true, it is gettin kinda long with the combat, i have a solution for this in mind for people who are just about da story! i'll probably add this before the next update

satyrwoud 1 year ago

Sorry babe i can't come over right now i'm being beset by incoherent foes

can you believe it guys? EP3! just a gaze away! i am so happy about this information
metonym 1 year ago

woohoo! it got here so fast!

your website is AMAZING!! i don't remember when i started playing but i've been hooked ever since and replayed it a couple of times. the story and the art are both so intriguing and mesh together so well giving it a sense of mystery and eerieness i can't quite explain. eagerly awaiting for updates!
corru 1 year ago

thank you so much for the kind words frocio!! you will not have to wait very long fortunately 😈

you!!! 🫵 hey you! 🫵 ("who, me?" - you), yeah you!! are YOU interested in a kinda long thoughtpost i wrote about CORRU . OBSERVER? ("whats that" -you) read all about it here!! a few bits about ep3, some musings about da future of content, that kinda thing. if you don't have a cohost account feel free to just reply here if you have any thoughts you wanna share
youreyesonly 1 year ago

it is freaking time... To observe the colur!

marbelynrye 1 year ago

the lil goober

1 sec im getting a call 🔮👂 huh? wat? ? the 16th? what does that mean.. who is this? ... thats weird they hung up
ninacti0n 1 year ago

The corru from the future is calling, they want the observers tuned 👁

npm-i 1 year ago

the call!!!!! it's joever!!!!!!!!!!

theelement 1 year ago

it's.... it's qouver!!!!

holy SMOKES your new homepage is so freakin 🆒🆒🆒!! the way the store is integrated too... awesome work
ongezell 1 year ago

Thanks a lot Corru, appreciate it (´◡`) I’m really happy with how it turned out

salutations friends and Fiends!! we are halfway through june and so i wanted to give a little status update on EP3! my original projection of 'late june' was decently close... but wrong! it will take like a little longer than I thought, but probably only by a week or two... i will say that the absolute latest I want to launch it is like the weekend of july 15/16
corru 1 year ago

basically, there are a bunch of little things adding up - some initial art block setbacks from early dev of ep3, the number of new little things that need tuning and connecting, finalizing the art and music... it's just clear 2 me already when i take a step back and look at everything that we gotta push it back a little bit.

corru 1 year ago

anyway, sorry that it's taking so long, i'm doin my best to make sure it's worth it!! as a consolation, here's my dog:

h3 1 year ago

don't worry, take your time. rather a late release than a rushed one

had your page sitting around in my bookmarks for a while now and boy i wish i got to it sooner. technically still in the middle of this but, i really love it. visually, and the writing/lore is so interesting
I cant wait for EP3! The short soundtrack snippet is very cool already!
counting down the minutes until the end of the funny month......
corru 1 year ago

i'm doin da best i can! the scope of this episode may have gotten away from me a little bit... but even if it's late it won't be mega late!!

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