Endorphin Therapy

521 updates
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very cool to be watching a random youtube video and see them talking about this site. I feel like a cool hipster
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batwingstastelikefebruary 3 months ago

waiiiit omg which youtube video???

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94673 3 months ago ! I was actually amazed like holy shit I know that one

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batwingstastelikefebruary 3 months ago

OMG ive seen this one!!! she and i sent emails back and forth a bit ago and shes planning to make a full video on it. absolutely boggling to think about

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94673 2 months ago

! new video time. i'm so proud. world is beautiful

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batwingstastelikefebruary 2 months ago

cemented in internet history as the nyan neko sugar girls horror arg. this is awesome

1 like
Oh, yeah. The last update looks like a whole load of nothing, doesn't it? I actually just replaced the invite link for the discord, considering there's a new server for it. Come hang out! It's a lot more accessible than the last one, I think.
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CreatedOct 30, 2022
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