big smelly poopoo

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Finally practically finished with my tool. Only problem is that it doesn't get the title music nor any music played through events, but even so this is still miles better than doing everything by hand. Now it's time to get back to the main project
Almost done with the tool I made. For whatever reason I seem to spend more time programming tools for my projects than doing actual work on the projects themselves. That said this is a rather useful one as it turns an otherwise ungodly long, error-prone and boring process into a mere copy paste job
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Gotta figure out a method to mass export all the music info from an entire rpg maker game, adding things manually is quite time-consuming. Don't know much about how that data is stored so hopefully it won't be too difficult
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I love troubleshooting something for half an hour or more before realizing the issue was because of a cached file
kenome 1 month ago

Shit happens

Been thinking about whipping up a little RPG Maker-related side project page. Hopefully I can manage to get it done, I think it'll have its utility. That's all I'm revealing for now

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 10, 2021
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javascript videogames gamedev gaming yumenikki