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so vibrant and stylish!! THIS SITE RULES!!!!
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inkyblinkyarts 1 year ago

Ahhh TYSM!πŸ’™πŸ’™ I try and make things as bright as possible without wreaking havoc on the eyes lolol

while i know the site gives the warning for flashing and such i was wondering if there might be a simple way make a setting to combat some of the things with the eyestraining colors? had some friends who are curious but the color scheme is too bright. like some kind of option for a black and white filter or some filter that dulls the screen. would like to know if its possible bc i would love to share it with more
morrysillusion 1 year ago

it is understandable i know you cannot just take all elements of the flashing out, as a majority of the game will always be that. but wasnt sure if something like dulling or lessening it any form would be possible

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ongezell 1 year ago

install it with an userscript manager like violentmonkey, this should make the game B&W and less bright

morrysillusion 1 year ago

@ongezell thank you for such a quick reply. ill let my friends know, this sounds like a great solution

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salutations friends!! the pre-ADD fixes and features and stuff i wanted to add are now online! notably, this adds a gameplay toggle in the system that lets u skip RPG segments, an 'interface size' toggle that should make it a bit better on smaller screens, and virtualizes the movement system so that zooming doesn't break as much stuff!
corru 1 year ago

also, much of the early embassy dialogues have gained the 'close-up' system that collapse content does, so you no longer only see crusty low-res stage sprites!

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corru 1 year ago

sry that the big screenshot post that neocities does is gone... i eated it

corru 1 year ago

the actual EP3ADD content will most likely come late this month or in the first week of September, depending on how everything i'm planning goes... might try to do it in little waves and see how that feels

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there's most likely gonna be a little non-ADD update this weekend... originally i was going to do all of the fixes i've been planning + new stuff at once, but i really just wanna get the fixes and improvements outta the corru cave first - this is gonna be stuff like fixing the stage movement breaking with zoom level, adding a 'no combat' skip mode, and improving the EP1 embassy days slightly, among other things!!
corru 1 year ago

i also want to see if I can get some text size controls added in this too... there's a lotta stuff that could break or get weird fast though if i don't do it kinda carefully though

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corru 1 year ago

p.s. lemme know if there are any other long-standing bugs or requests i should try and work into this "patch"... i know for sure i'm gonna go Freaking Nuclear on the chrome flickering bug now that I know what causes it 100%

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ok the time 4 chill is over. EP3ADD is now underway! but tbh, I'm a little concerned that I won't have enough time to complete EP4 ahead of November (aka Corru Gets Tortured In Hell month)... but that's not really a huge deal - just means the next collapse portion may be slightly further out, which could mean we'll have some more smaller non-embassy stuff to fill the gap further...
corru 1 year ago

We Got Room 2 Get Silly! i'm gonna do EP3ADD then play it by ear - cause we got plenty of cool things to explore in da corru realm that DON'T take multiple months to make

"so wats next for", i hear u say... and i say,, DAMN!! CHILL! we're gonna do one ADD before moving on, which is aimed at adding some fun reasons to return to the different areas... no details or date yet but we're schemin and drawing up plans, just kinda taking it a little easy this week cuz ep3 was hard
corru 1 year ago

hi its me again!! corru . works!! with the help of the discord, I reworked the final encounter of EP3 just a teensy bit... some small changes that I think go a long way to make it less RNG-heavy and more satisfying

just pushed another update, was mostly JS and CSS so it didn't push screenshots... but it should solve the mysterious wall flickering bug on Chrome! additionally, everything involving the main cast should render a little better now... a lot of them were using their full animated gif sprites on the stage (looking at kazki here with her 2000px hair in a 400px tall space), which was a big vram hog πŸ—
ongezell 1 year ago

Cross browser development is a pain

corru 1 year ago

just some bugfixes and stuff for now... more are coming!! but tonight i just fixed up some of da big ones that were causing some wacky side effects (like certain moves resulting in combat not ending right)

hi every1!!! i got the soundtrack up on soundcloud + bandcamp now! check it out!
ghost-crab 1 year ago

omg are these all original tracks? so good!!

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CreatedApr 18, 2021
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corru art music story