5,136 updates
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it's up!! be sure to give your browser the ole hard refresh when you load into the embassy just to be sure
corru 1 year ago

ok neocities is being rly slow so if you run into slow loading, export your save and load it in here: - it's the same just heavily cached by cloudflare

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corru 1 year ago

EP2ADD1::"β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's structuring device presents unexpected outside interference." - this adds an optional hard mode area in the collapse memory, it appears in the research chamber only if you have ever started the EP2 boss before (does not have to be in the same iteration). beware: it was designed with items in mind and may be especially difficult without them

corru 1 year ago

for those who want more exploration than little RPG fights, i will soon begin EP2ADD2 - which will give a break from the embassy in the form of additions to other pages. we have been spending a lot of time in the embassy, and there is still more to do there, but i want to ensure there is still plenty of cool stuff to find elsewhere!

corru 1 year ago

additionally - the soundtrack to EP2 so far is now available for listening on soundcloud, and you can get it on bandcamp too!! /

corru 1 year ago

(P.S. - i think i'm pretty close to figuring out what causes the proxy to run slow on some machines... if you run into a slow proxy situation and you've been in the same embassy instance for a while, save, refresh, load again - that may help)

corru 1 year ago

(slight correction - the entrance appears in the research chamber if you meet the criteria, AND after you've visited movefriend at least once in your current iteration)

this style is awesome, and i really dig the background textures you used!! also i miss spiral knights 😭
tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

spiral knights is freaking sweet, I'm glad they haven't shut it down

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corru 1 year ago

it's nice, but also kinda sad - i was soo into that game, seeing it in permanent maintenance mode is like watching it decay (but at least people can still experience it for the first time!)

thenri 1 year ago

oh, thanks! Spiral knights has to have been my single greatest influence over me, was so into it as a child, even though I didnt get far. I was in a period of playing it more seriously when I made that webtool. Got tired of the grind eventually. We could play it though, sometime, that would be neat!

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friends, as part of the experimental game jam, I made this little incremental-type game where you make little creatures! there is no story or anything, since i didn't really have time to do that, but you may enjoy the gameplay regardless >?!?!
marsorgans 1 year ago

great game love my little critters

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owlroost 1 year ago

This is RIGHT up my alley- love this! Also pretty neat to play around with element placement and see how that changes stats.

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a freakin update for Those Looking! (Observing Perhaps): the plan is going.... To Plan! Experimental Game Jam almost done (and will be out da door by the 28th), after that I anticipate having EP2ADD1 out this week! probably the soundtrack too ?!? then work proceeds on ADD2 😈 xiting times
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Definitely hyped!! Can’t wait to play the extra following parts and listen to the OST ^^ Also, I shared some of the tracks with my friends, they found them really cool!

Fun idea: If a gamesave that does not make sense is detected, like "god" still being undefeted in EP2, make funfriend ask something along the lines of "you haven't been messing with the cyst. right?". Nothing major, just a little message
corru 1 year ago

da secret truth is. ... ... our friend in the uncosm is completely optional and can potentially be completely ignored... Evil mode!!

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My website has a musicplayer in the corner and i sometimes put little eastereggs one the 88x31 buttons. Would it be ok if clicking your button changes the music to one of the tracks from the game, either hotlinked or hosted on my page?
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corru 1 year ago

of course!! that's totally fine! one I like to use when I put the music on other sites (like on pocl's) is the hub theme -

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also: im stuck after the movefoe fight i think. MTH says to wait, is the rest of the story not out yet?
corru 1 year ago

indeed, the site is still a work in progress - that is the current end of content!

Do you have a 88x31 button? I'd like to link this site on mine
corru 1 year ago

thank you! i do!! it is here:

1 like
so many new eyeballs lately! thank you all for looking at my funny little website!! a vision of the future for you - my plan is to get EP2ADD1 out at the end of this month, and then EP2ADD2 probs sometime mid next month! the first is going to be some collapse side content, and the second is going to focus on adding more cool stuff outside of the embassy. yippee!!
corru 1 year ago

though the timing may move around a lil cause i wanna do the experimental game jam and i gotta get SHMOVIN on that stuff this freakin week if i wanna make it for the 28th πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

experimentaljams 1 year ago

based experimental game jams enjoyer


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CreatedApr 18, 2021
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