centipede dot government

646 updates
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ougggg i need to work on my website.
A firm gloved hand meets yours, hoisting you free. As you glance down it is not clear where your body ends and Vega begins. With a final tug, the viscous membrane encasing you ruptures. A flood of mucus surges forth, washing you free from the wall of the chamber...
vegacollective 3 months ago

How long you’ve been here is a mystery - a known unknown. All you know for certain is that you must press onward, guided by the presence of your fellow passenger. Universe be with U

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hopefully this week will be giving me some free time to actually nail down all the music/main site stuff. knock on wood
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to those of you who have sat through the godawful loading times of my portfolio page im so sorry i swear ill make smaller file-sized thumbnails for the images soon
i luuuv ur simple lil site and your art is ver good <3
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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedSep 9, 2023
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gamedev personal hobby art music