bees laugh in atbash

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bluef00t 3 years ago

new page for the first time in..... a while

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bluef00t 3 years ago

woop zoop schmoop I made a 5 page comic to submit to something. it didn't work out so now you can check it out

encounters-ltd 3 years ago

DANGYO. i love it. but what was it supposed to go to

fascinated by how perfectly this page has been preserved for 23 years
1 like
bluef00t 3 years ago

also: .ht

38cautionzone 3 years ago

This is first time that I witness someone using "ht" as their markup language.

1 like
for my ever-patient followers who do not understand my endless tmbg content: I do have some main site updates coming down the line I promise
bluef00t 3 years ago

I swore to myself I would not do another cover until I had finished my math and then. I finished the cover anyways. this is not a good thing

2 likes the ai generated song people did a few tmbg, thought you might wanna know
cubertown 3 years ago

was curious to see if these happen to be based on any specific songs and you know the tmbg discographt better than anyone else i know

bluef00t 3 years ago

yyyyyes and no? the lyrics beneath the song on the re-renditions are from an actual TMBG song and you can hear fragments of the vocals as it moves around but the backing musical tracks don't sound like ANY tmbg song on any of them

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bluef00t 3 years ago

it may have been trained on live bootlegs too, because it's got some strange garbled talking and crowd noises. That second one has the lyrics to The Bells Are Ringing and you can hear little snippets of the actual lyrics but the actual song sounds TOTALLY different

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cubertown 3 years ago

i like the ai version more tbh ://///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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cubertown 3 years ago

i do wonder if these are less trained on the tmbg discography and more just like, alt rock in general idk

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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tmbg music art zines comics