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Congratulations on 50 followers! You have a nice website and I really enjoyed your talk of your DS Lite. I used to have one, before upgrading to a 3DS my mother donated it last year, while I was still playing games on it (without her knowledge to this day). I felt the people who were going to receive it would get more enjoyment out of it (though I still loved to play games even then). Keep up the good work!
armonicnoise 2 years ago

Thanks For your support, and yeah, its impressive how a console from 2004 can give you so many great moments after years, Originally I wanted to buy a 3DS Or A PSP but i just could affort a DS, im not regret my decision tho

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pagespages 2 years ago

I know someone who still plays a PSP (among other consoles) from time to time. He quite enjoys it.

1 like
I just finished watching MOUSE... Yeah, it stank. What was I thinking when I decided to watch this? At least it was short, but still that is three hours of my life I am never getting back.
pagespages 2 years ago

MOUSE review just finished. I may need a short break after this one, but I will finish the Space Battleship Yamato review after this one.

pagespages 2 years ago

I feel bad for Solvenians who were subject to this "masterpiece" over the past 17 years. (1997-2014)

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cyberoccultism 2 years ago

That was... certainly something.

1 like
Nice website. Thank you for the follow. Might I ask, have you listened to Hironobu Kageyama? His music is quite good, but tends to be more hardcore 1980s/90s rock songs. He wrote a lot of songs for Super Sentai and Dragon Ball Z, among other franchises. I look forward to future updates. Keep up the good work!
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traumakyabajou 2 years ago

thank you so so so much! ive heard some of his dragon ball z songs, but i should totally look into him more..thank you for the suggestion :3

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traumakyabajou 2 years ago

i accidentally deleted your reply so im sorry for that if youve noticed, but its interesting..ive mainly heard of him from his anisongs but his full discog seems you have any reccomendations,, anisong or not? :o

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pagespages 2 years ago

Violence of the Flame is a good one from a bad anime (M.D Geist).

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reanimator 2 years ago

oh very excited to read this one. i hate-read mouse one day out of sheer boredom and was baffled at how you make an ecchi this incoherent and shitty. its like someone took a bunch of random mid-90s early-2000s manga, ripped the pages out, shredded them, and attempted to make a plot putting it back together.

pagespages 2 years ago

Surprisingly, the creator of Mouse also worked on the Full Metal Alchemist anime, as well as the Love Hina and Saber Marionette Franchises. The good thing about Mouse is that it is short.

Thank you everyone for fifty followers!
hellokittygirl 2 years ago

yay well done !

cyberoccultism 2 years ago

Congrats!! That's no small feat.

Nice website. Really love your styling and we have some similar likes. I will probably reach out to you soon. Keep up the good work!
burypink 2 years ago

you are too kind ;_; thank you so much <3

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pagespages 2 years ago

Just sent you a request on Discord I am Page's Pages#8916.

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Thank you for the mathematical content! While I am not quite up to that level of mathematics yet, I really enjoyed the content associated with each chapter. Anyway, I look forward to future updates. Keep up the good work!
holeinmyheart 2 years ago

whew the madman read it! ty!!

Apparently the English dub of Macross, Robotech, served as a promotion for the German-American toy and model maker Revell. Can anyone confirm this? I only know of Japanese tie-ins with the franchise.

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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