Planet Mars

761 updates
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Planet Mars was updated.
2 months ago
Planet Mars was updated.
7 months ago
Planet Mars was updated.
10 months ago
Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago
Anyone else who's a super noobie coder ever update their site and then run to a different device to see what it looks like? I have NO idea what my site Actually looks like most of the time. :p
mycorneroftheworld 1 year ago

When you are coding if you look in the top right corner it says “view” and if you click on that than you are able to see what your website looks like (idk if you know)

Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago
Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago
Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago
Planet Mars was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 13, 2022
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coding literature comics language