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i added you to /tomodachi and placed you next to macaque
Checked out your site(s) and LOOOVED's so inspiring!!! And about your partner in crime, I totally relate. Me and my partner are LDR and met on Tumblr! We've been together for about 6 years--both arospec, and started our relationship as QP due to some personal life stuff even though we were in love romantically. We're still LDR but so happy together! Glad to see there's others like us <3
punkwasp 1 year ago

aaaaaa thank you so much!! and you and your partner's story sounds so cute, it's super cool to hear about others with similar stories <3

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I am a big ol' silly and did NAWT realize that half the stuff I use um...doesn't technically allow hotlinking! I think! There's an alternative that I think *might*, but it's really unclear. Regardless, I think I'm going to switch to hosting all my files on Neocities for rn until I can find an alternative. A lot of things say you can't use it as a CDN, and I cannot wrap my head around that ⊙.☉...? Is that hotlinking??
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sunwukong 1 year ago

By "half the stuff" I mean one (1) thing. I shan't name it, lest the evil wiles of their temptresses (terminating my account on that site) get to me............

punkhazard 1 year ago

If u do find a good alternative can you lmk? I've just been hosting everything on neocities

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Apparently you're NOT supposed to add alt text to decorative images....well. I will have to go change that! I do not know what counts as decorative and not decorative though o~o`
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 25, 2022
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personal writing blog