hello purveyors of heaven

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Hi, I want to add you to the lolita webring, but I can't find the button on your page :< Please let me know where it is/when you've added it! Also, apologies for the wait! College >_<
sweetheartmemory 4 months ago

It's linked on my home page, but I understand that it's a bit difficult to access. Here's the link!

ophanimkei 4 months ago

Oh sorry! I meant the webring widget :'D

sweetheartmemory 4 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. Just added on my about me!

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just a note- it's always a good idea to read a service's rules regarding hotlinking and/or filehosting in case they do what discord did. just keep that in mind when moving your stuff!
inkcaps 5 months ago

Huh, what happened? :o

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ophanimkei 5 months ago

@inkcaps some things hosted on discord broke! i saw some people suggesting imgur but imgur also disallows hotlinking! so i just wanted to say something

Heloo ^w^ I'm going through Cult of Usakumya members and making sure they have the widget on their site. Please add it by 3/1/24 if you'd like to remain part of the webring (though I see you haven't been active in a while so do not worry. I can readd you really easily!) ^w^ Much love!!
sweetcharm 5 months ago

I fixed it! I realize that I only had the code on "" and not the neocities version of the splash page xOx thanks for the reminder! I love the webring <333 keep it up~

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Heloo ^w^ I'm going through Cult of Usakumya members and making sure they have the widget on their site. Please add it by 3/1/24 if you'd like to remain part of the webring ^w^ Much love!!!
Heloo ^w^ I'm going through Cult of Usakumya members and making sure they have the widget on their site. Please add it by 3/1/24 if you'd like to remain part of the webring ^w^ (I also saw your email and updated your link in the ring!!)
y2kstardust 5 months ago

Ah, ty for the update! I've got the widget on the lolita shrine I have, is that enough or would you prefer it be somewhere on my homepage? :3

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ophanimkei 5 months ago

i would be happy if it's with other webrings, but if you prefer it to just be on the lolita page, that's fine too!

hii! i saw your rpg maker webring application ^w^ i went through your site but couldn't find anything rpg maker related. maybe i just missed it? can you point me in the right direction ^w^
chaoticdreamz 5 months ago

Sorry for the late reply!!! Is it okay il its just a fanlisting.., if not its okay and ill take the webring code off!!

ophanimkei 5 months ago

oh a fanlisting is a-okay!

im working on a thing
hiya! i was about to add you to the rpg maker webring but i don't see the button (sorry for taking so long..). please let me know when it's been added or where it is. ty ^w^
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tomorrowsbreakfast 5 months ago

Ahh sorry, i had it should be next to the neocreatives button in /tb/main or at least somewhere around there (dont have access to my pc right now so the layout might be a little broken)

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CreatedJun 19, 2020
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