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Javascript is a fickle beast, alas I have tamed it for now...
BTW! Regarding linking to my articles: the links should be the same, but make sure to check if you link to one of my works ^^;
the new layout is sick :D
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Feel touched by the truth of this
that was very beautiful and honest, thanks for sharing <3
It's interesting to hear about the Bad Egg from someone who had access to an Action Replay device as a kid. When it comes to the shiny Magikarp, I had a similar encounter with a Whiscash in Pokémon Black.
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Javascript is a fickle beast, alas I have tamed it for now...
BTW! Regarding linking to my articles: the links should be the same, but make sure to check if you link to one of my works ^^;
the new layout is sick :D