Chris World

1,022 updates
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if anyone knows how to get in contact with whoever runs the Melanated listing, please ask them to let me in pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
You don't have a guestbook, but as a Navarreling enthusiast (idk the word but I like Navarre and all characters inspired by him) I loooooooooooooooove this site and I *had* to let you know. I had the site in my bookmarks for months before realizing I could comment here :]
Thank you for following my site! I was able to find your site because of that and I really like your content, especially your artwork!
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etoranze 1 month ago

Thank you very much!! I'm really happy to hear someone likes it :DD I like your website too, not only because it looks nice, but because I like to read your writing. You're a very good writer; it shows even just from diary entries.

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if i followed you recently, you are at risk of having your button added to my home page, so if you dont want that email me while you still can (evil cackle)
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i have learned that you can't put paragraphs or lists or anything in neocities posts, so i can't just paste the update i added to my rss. please get an rss reader fellas, it will change your life. also, check out my site because i've done a lot to it! yessirrrrr
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 10, 2017
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