Neon rust n' alien dust!

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ninacti0n 9 months ago

Well... here it is, folks. The promised main page revamp. I managed to fix a whole lot of issues with responsiveness here (specially since you NEED to be able to click the button or properly scroll down), and almost everything works well on smaller screens. Except D.O.M. I'm still figuring out how to make him responsive without pushing stuff around >:1

ninacti0n 9 months ago

But ye, tell me what you think of it! I'm actually pretty proud, it looks cleaner than the original, with better textures n' stuff. I also hope to add some nifty secrets to it in due time

ninacti0n 9 months ago

My next priority is revamping the home page's layout a lil' bit. Tweaking some details, adding some buttons, a new pagedoll, more ads... I'll see what I'll do to improve it. My about page is also on the to-do list!

tautozhone 9 months ago

it looks awesome!! the colors feel more vibrant and punchy (in such a good way)

soapfriendo 9 months ago

for some reason the update doesn't show up on my end

ninacti0n 9 months ago

@tautozhone Aw, thank ya! I worked quite hard to get things to look harmonious there- as well as simplify a bit of the cluttered vibes it had :]

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ninacti0n 9 months ago

@soapfriendo Huh, that's really bizarre... it showed up for me and on my phone (plus a really old ipad). I'm clueless on why that's happening for ya

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic