Neon rust n' alien dust!

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I got curious, guys... which types of assets are your favorites to create? So far, mine are fake ads! It's particularly funky to me to see some of my lore bits take shape in posters n' stuff lol, it's very fun! I also like buttons and blinkies, and hope to create some of my own soon :7
ninacti0n 1 year ago

And in case you're wondering, I'm asking that because I've been finishing some of my ads today, and had a great time xP

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fabulouskilljoys 1 year ago

ur skyboots graphic is my favorite ever rn, it’s just so shiny and sparkly and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

I'm having a blast making pixel-art backgrounds :D

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@fabulouskilljoys Oh, thank you so much lol! I'm super happy you enjoyed that one, certainly the wackiest so far! It was super fun to animate it, though I might add some extra shakiness to it in certain points later, for some extra pizazz ;]

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@tetrisk-lair Ohh yeah, pixel art is such a vibe... I used to to lots of it before, and it's super cool (even a bit nostalgic) to me to bring back some of that crisp pixelated look through my assets! ^^

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thenri 1 year ago

ohh,, i dont know actually, don't think I've done a lot of the more creative stuff yet, but those character icons have been really fun to make

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@theran Oh, I still wanna get to the character icons part- specially since there's a bunch of pagedolls n' similar things I hope to make to decorate some divs! So far, I've halfway through an animated pagedoll, and it's been fun to work on it so far! ^^

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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding