NeoCities Neighborhood Directory

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Once again to join a neighborhood you /must/ submit a request using the form on the neighborhood of your choice. Requests on our profile feed cannot be processed. thank you.
keysklubhouse 4 years ago

I think some of your join links are redirecting to your profile, which is why people keep asking on here. I know I ended up on the profile at one point when I went to request.

neo-neighborhoods 4 years ago

I'll check on that... I know at the bottom of the main page there is a link to the profile so memebers can ask to be a featured page... that may be what you are talking about.

neo-neighborhoods 4 years ago

I am working of making a seperate page with a form for requests to be featured on the main page of the neighborhoods... it will happen at some point. I still haven't opened up all the neighborhoods yet, lol. Staff positions are also open, someday I want to put a page up so people can request to join the team. And at the end of year I fully entend to resurect the Lunar Awards!

keysklubhouse 4 years ago

When I first tried to join West Hollywood it redirected me to the profile. I want to say it was a link at the bottom of the page?

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neo-neighborhoods 4 years ago

Yes Key the link at the bottom of the page is /not/ a join link. That link was for people to request to be considered for the feature page program. I fixed it so it directs to page based on that page from old GeoCities now.

Welcome to Soho!
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Welcome to Soho!(whoopsie) South Beach!
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purplehello98 4 years ago

hey was this meant for somebody else? I applied for south beach

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hoylecake 4 years ago

hello future neighbor

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neo-neighborhoods 4 years ago

Oh and since you are featured on the main neighborhood page you are a landmark site heres a graphic you may display if you wish: if do just link it back please.

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Don't forget your furry pals! Petsburgh has been open for a while now!
Hollywood Neighborhood is now officially open.
Woo! Can't wait for the Hollywood section to be up and running! :)
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neo-neighborhoods 4 years ago

Got you covered catcat!

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catcatproductions 4 years ago

Yay! How exciting! :D Appreciate all the work going into this site. Awesome stuff.

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Welcome to SouthBeach! You are a pioneer and get this award! if you choose to display it, please link it back. Thanks.
hoylecake 4 years ago

that's pog. thank you !!! :D

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Good news anime fans, Tokyo is now open!
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Welcome to Television City! Also it's our pleasure to let you know that your site is a Landmark Site! Here is a nice image that you can display on your site if you choose: If you choose to display it, please link it back. Thanks!
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madville 4 years ago

Thank you!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJul 19, 2019
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