FALLOUT 1 MENTIONED........ever played fo2? i found it a little bit more approachable than fo1 (though both kicked my ass)
@shydeer I BOUGHT IT at the same time as FO1 but i havent played it cus i wanna finish fo1 first 😅 but that is nice to hear tho
FORGOT to remove the awesome pic i made for the journal log from the gitignore... ITS UP now!
Happy one year!! It's so awesome how your website has given you direction ;w; Here's to many more anniversaries!!
i reworked the journal index into a grid display! i was noticing on some screens/viewports (idk tbh) the journal iframe would disappear. that was probably because i was using inline-blocks for all of that... ANYWAY! it should now be viewable on any screen size 👍
updated scrapbook + added 1 pic to photobook!
in the like. 9 months i've had my about page i just noticed i never included dogmeat in my fav characters,,,,, i had his pic on my folder since day one..... i feel so embarrased thats my whole url