it just does that sometimes. sometimes it fixes itself, and sometimes you can force a fix by making a change to the page
Site reupload to implement... my greatest achievement.......... I learned to use about 1/10th of the technmology known as "web components," which, I don't really understand it. But I found some javascript so that i can edit the contents of my navbar, sidebar, and footer all from one file. No more foolishness.
Compromising with my hack by putting in five somewhat likely page names as standy navbar items plus a sixth of just "etc"
...that way, if I have some new fixation that I need to make a page for, instead of editing my navbar on dozens of pages and blog posts, I can just set the id-specified CSS contents of the navbar item to, say, "PUPPETS" and un-hide the button, then start writing about it at rootabaga.html! Holy crap it's late, I'm going to bed.
writ bout dune some it's whatever