
803 updates
0 tips
The platform not allowing users to reply to replies on their own posts is sort of insane but interesting; like, is the idea to reduce the likelihood of negative feedback loops by simply making it harder to directly communicate on the feed? Can't say I'm against it.
I've decided to crosspost neocities feed posts to my fake microblog (manually), which is funny, I think........
Regarding my recent statement that I "want a bonzi buddy for my web home page," I would like to share the following link which would seem to indicate that it might be possible for me to have a bonzi buddy for my web home page:
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chaff 2 weeks ago

I'll get right on this as soon as I finish my other game idea, make that veney video, write the rest of my pervert's novel, defeat fascism, and get a job

I want a bonzi buddy for my web home page
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chaff 3 weeks ago

Just correcting some typos. Didn't correct the part where I refer to "the Snowpiercer train" because although I understand the train is called The Snowpiercer, it's funny and easier than saying The "The Snowpiercer" train, from Snowpiercer

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chaff 3 weeks ago

Finally learned to use open graph meta tags

chaff 1 month ago

I wrote something about this book so you don't have to

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1 like
chaff 1 month ago

writ bout dune some it's whatever

chaff 2 months ago

Why did this image preview break. WhatdidIdo

okglass 2 months ago

it just does that sometimes. sometimes it fixes itself, and sometimes you can force a fix by making a change to the page

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 26, 2024
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