Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Guys, I need some assistance- which free web hosts do you folks recommend? I already own the domain, I just need a place for the site. And well, I'm asking that cause the one I picked has a hit limit, and it will make my site offline for 24 hours if it goes above the hit cap, which is 50000. It said in an email I went past 50%, which shows how the site has been growing in popularity :'] It's such a crazy thing haha-
pentumbra 13 hours ago

github is decent, I think. the only issue (that I've had) is that it doesn't support server side scripts so php. and then I saw this really cool one called poyoweb but it only has 500mbs of space- I'm also not sure what the interface is like!

pentumbra 13 hours ago

oh-- and poyoweb is also static hosting ;-;

ninacti0n 12 hours ago

Aw dang... I guess I would have to either host the mySQL and PHP stuff outside, which doesn't seem ideal. I still hope to find one that supports dynamic pages, cause convenience of administering everything in the same place. I'll have to wait and see

saltedslug 10 hours ago

netlify if you want high uptime. They have bandwidth limits, as well, however. I would highly recommend optimizing all the images on your website, as well, which will help minimize bandwidth usage. I use ImageMagick, but there are online tools like that do the same thing.

saltedslug 10 hours ago

Optimization and compression sound scary in theory, but in reality most people (yourself included) probably won't notice the difference between an uncompressed .PNG and a 20-30% compressed .jpeg (unless you need transparency, in that case you can optimize .pngs using ImageMagick and EZGif (

corru 9 hours ago

github repo + Cloudflare Pages is a solid free hosting system! I use it, and it also has support for dynamic pages, which do have usage limits, but it's based on execution time. so you're unlikely to run into anything until you experience a truly gigantic popularity explosion! only thing is that the dynamic stuff ("cloudflare functions") are proprietary and a little weird to get used to. they are in JS though!

corru 9 hours ago

cloudflare pages is truly free as far as I can tell, I've been using it for for a bit to great effect

ninacti0n 5 hours ago

Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll contemplate over em and see what I can go for <3


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Last updated 12 hours ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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