Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Also ayy- guess who's diving into Javascript again? It's both exciting and confusing, cause I feel like I'm grasping it, but at the same time my brain is struggling a bit xD I'm hoping for the best, and that it unfolds to be of much greater help in the upcoming corners in my to-do list!
ghost-crab 11 months ago

I got lazy with javascript and just use jquery all the time now lolol

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ninacti0n 11 months ago

Oh, fr? I can see why, jquery is capable of simplifying the code in neat ways ^^ Though I feel the need to actually learn JS, cause I'm tired of not really knowing much about it! I wanna step up my coding game so that cooler things can happen by my hands and what I learned >:] A lil' bit of jquery doesn't hurt either lol

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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