Skull's Art Corner

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I should probably say the website might not get updates for a few weeks, I'm simply not doing well enough to continue.
school starts tomorrow, hopefully that'll help with inspiration
Also, just something to note, because of how krita works (and me not having access to anymore due to... well, linux), the texts in my drawings are gonna be slightly anti-aliased. While it doesnt impact much, if anyone knows how to fix that, be greatly appreciated (I checked online, and uh... yeah, not much except lots of what we here call "gambiarra"
hydromecha 1 week ago

Found this link that goes over it using Filter Masks: I also recorded a quick video on getting it set up: The text editor in Krita should be getting an overhaul in 5.3 (whenever that releases) but idk if they'll add a way to more easily remove the anti-aliasing.

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Im currently setting up my pc to use Linux instead, this will be... interesting
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hydromecha 1 week ago

Nice, what distro? I started with openSUSE back in college but use Manjaro now.

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skulldollar 1 week ago

I've decided to go with the bog-standard (is that how you write it?) Mint Cinnamon, just because I tried a few, and this one felt a bit closer to what I liked about windows (I really did not have a problem with windows, I just wanted a change before the end of support for win10)

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Okay, to commemorate my page hitting 15k Views (aka. a lot), I'll be doing a QnA! Just ask whatever and I'll answer (as long as it isnt too personal!) either drop a message/reply to me, or through the guestbook or even my discord! Thank you so much for everyone who decided to lay eyes on my little art exhibition!
hydromecha 1 week ago

Here are a couple questions: What got you to start drawing and what are your main sources of inspiration?

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I wasn't sure if I should or not post this, but eh, screw it. I don't think it's too much of a secret that I'm a fan of Friday Night Funkin, and uh... me and a friend made a cover of a song ( Credits for everything are in the vids description. I did not spend 8 hours making the visualizer, no siree
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skulldollar 2 weeks ago

For a bit of context, I've been playing a lot of a minecraft modpack called Cuboid Outpost, and uh... yeah, I'm going slightly mad (This is also connected to that one sketch I made a few days ago)

hello-room 2 weeks ago

The new piece is so good, I love it! Thankyou for using this idea. "I'm no background artist" pfffft

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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