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Noticed the link to GRSites on your web design page, just letting you know I archived all of their textures:
hekate 3 years ago

Epic, thanks for doing that!

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marshmellosucks 3 years ago

Oh yeah, fun fact: they blocked my IP address after I downloaded every texture. Yet they won't fix their payment gateway...

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marshmellosucks 3 years ago

Oh yeah, I wound up backing up most of their site (except for the fonts and sound effects) but the generators are all busted. Might upload to GitHub or something.

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hekate 3 years ago

that sounds sick, let me know when u do that. I'm thinking of setting up an old graphics archive page so that'll be useful

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nice redesign of the front page
hekate 3 years ago

thank u :T

Hope you have room for an award becuase you've just recieved one! Went ahead and gave you my Millie Award, view it here:
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hekate 3 years ago

Oh my gosh thank u!!! <3 <3 <3 Here is a Page on the Original geocities and how the internet used to be about exploring.
Cool 90's vibe on the site.
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hekate 3 years ago

eek! The gallery's broken, trying to fix it

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bmh 3 years ago

The audio playing on the Detective Deadman page reminds me of Abracadabra by The Steve Miller Band...

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hekate 3 years ago

@bmh HAHA you're right! It's actually twist in my sobriety by tanita tikaram, so similar time period :-P

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 13, 2020
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