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I love your website. How would I transfer the code from the website builder download to html and css? Should I leave some bits of code? I copy-paste from the default chromebook view app (and it ends up not working), should I download something else to get the code? I really enjoy this builder and would love to continue using it. Thanks.
hekate 2 years ago

Glad to hear you're using it! :-D If I'm understanding correctly, you're trying to use the inspector and get the html from there? If you hit the "save my code" button from the "save" tab, it should just give you an html page (and stylesheet) that should look exactly like what you just built.

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hekate 2 years ago

I'm also going to update my website so the builder opens up in its own tab instead, that should make it a little easier to use :-P

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bracketdesbracket 2 years ago

I was wondering if the code from your website builder could be transfered to neocities and how I would do it. It's really fun to play around with it and I would definitely use it a lot if that were the case. :)

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hekate 2 years ago

Okay just tried it out- you should just be able to upload it using the "upload" button after you press "edit my site". If you want to rename your stylesheet you'll have to change href in your tag in your html page to match it, but otherwise you shouldn't have to edit the code :-) hope this helps

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