HIIijust wanted to lyk.like the decomytree thing isa.pparently a scam im prettu sure people said that last yr it stole. passowrds/emails? i cant find th post now so it was prolly taken down but i jus wanted 2tell u😭😭
YEA i thinkthe. company forcibly took it down butu can use colormytree insetead :,-33
THANKS! I barely know how to do all that coding stuff so that means alot! Also thanks for the suggestion! Ill be on the lookout them next time I shop!!
OH WOW!!!!!!!!! thank you so muchhhh >/////< ❤️ I REALLY love your website! It's so cool and burger-style... It always makes me hungry! 🍔🍔🍔❤️
OFC UR WELCOME!! and tysm i LOVE burger-style.. im ALWAYS hungry for a burger LOL :P