damn I hope you can block those words on the Cbox website I sorry to hear that :(
@acetaminophriends im sorry weve both gotten hate!! its so ridiculous for people to act like this like we are hurting anybody
@karikinsun427 i was able to flag them for spam too!! so hopefully maybe they wont be able to comment/comment less.
wellll to be honest it was mostly about something mildly ignorant I said when I was fifteen but I don't think the enormous amount of hate I got was proportional to what I said at all
I did get basically drawn porn in my inbox once recently for no reason though :|
Hey!! And since u asked so nicely, ofc!! As long as u don’t directly copy my code I am totally fine w inspo. Thank u sm for asking!!! I can’t wait to see what u do :)
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH?? your site is literally one of my favs ever help??? YEAHHHH ALFREDDDD LETS GO!!!!!!
whats your job... thats insane wowie. smiles at you. actually its not that insane to me, ive literally met my country's president's right hand man or swagever. anyways what's your job if you don't mind sharing... smiles
OMG presidents guy IS SO COOL. I work at a pretty big/well known art museum in my city (as a gallery attendant)!!!! The ambassador was visiting and had a private tour so I didn’t get to talk to him but his accent was cool!!
I have some plans for it already… I am very passionate abt piercings and tattoos I’m rly excited (^O^)
if you want a custom domain yeah its a good idea