The library is BVSED and EVROPApilled historically. Do wish there were actually good libraries available, I just buy books outright these days. If I ever get the money to do so, I'll actually consider creating a library of my own XD, containing mostly hard-cover books and it will be based in the US + Canada. Also, it would mostly contain pre-20th century works, with a few pre-1950 works.
a diy webring is a really interesting idea. you wouldn't be able to have any centralized list only using neocities but maybe individual sites could specify what other sites they lead to themselves? like an organic network... thats cool
i am going to make a dedicated greg section of my website. a gregipedia if you will
no bc I still don't get what's special sauce supposed to be... all I see is my followed websites & similar
also when u sort by random, it's pages that have at least a few ten-thousands views, so i'm pretty sure it's not 100% random websites because then it would be mostly empty and abandoned ones
i told you guys that there was a new theme in the "woiks." next up: redesigning my about me LOL
i need to change the two guards on the landing page where one lies and the other tells the truth
rip 💔 (apparently I cannot make a broken heart out of a left tag, a slash and a three because it posts an empty comment lol)
OMG DID U LIKE USE AN R4 CARD I want to mod my ds soooo bad but afaik the only way is to use an r4 and put games there
my ds was already modded with twighlight (by my brother) and i add games by adding .nds files to the >roms folder via plugging in the sd card to my computer (and then i put the sd card back into my dsi)....theres def more in depth explainations of it LOL but i mod my ds w/ an sd card ^_^
get nand title manager and a bunch of dsiware!!!1 (if u have unlaunch installed ofc)
DS + WILD WORLD MENTION AHHHHH! I have a ds lite but trying to get my hands on a 'newer' model atm so i can play more games >o<
i was just thinking like. a website whose only page has the "widget" you could just download and put on your site wherever that links back. and theres no index of members. itll be akin to the underground system where moushrooms talk to each other. or somethingk. i <3 moldmaxxing im so myceliumpilled..........
kinda like a clique? not the cliques with members tho, the ones wher u just paste an image/a code somewhere and it links back to the page
I do freak with the mold webring non webring btw
neocities mold outbreak
let's make it real
I'm sorry, "myceliumpilled???"