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zelda ocarina of time. id say majoras mask too but that game is eh to me.
It's a game I haven't played yet, but Solatorobo looks quite awesome.
rhythm heaven games
drawn to life is fun
hotel dusk room 215 and 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
I really like the style savvy games I like them all but styling star is my favorite
Pandora's Tower for Wii, Pikmin 2 for Gamecube
LoZ Windwaker on the wii is always good :3
no more heroes and phoenix wright: ace attorney! :D
Mystery Dungeon: Siren the Wanderer for DS was one of my favorite roguelikes back in the day, also Rocket: Robot on Wheels for N64 is an all time classic 3d platformer--Paper Mario TTYD for GameCube is basically perfect, I can probably think of more but I'll stop there
pokemon snap/stadium on n64 and banjo kazooie!! sonic riders and pokemon colosseum on gamecube :)
sonic adventure 2: battle and shadow the hedgehog
paper Mario and the ten thousand year door (I think that's the name), I played a little bit of it a while back on some family members 3ds and it was such a vibe
meant GameCube sobb, I was just looking at the word 3ds when I wrote it MB gangy
ds: pokemon bw/b2w2, cooking mama 2; 3ds: miitopia, pokemon picross + shuffle (2 games, eshop only but free); wii: obligatory wii sports resort rep, pokepark 2; i believe mother 1+2 is availible on gba? sorry half of this is just pokemon lol
for ds: ghost trick: phantom detective is super good, I definitely recommend playing it at least once. i second the person who said hotel dusk. apart from that, the ace attorney saga, the professor layton saga and nintendogs are quite good, but really most nds era games are soo good. i'd say get your hands on anything you can!
@unexplainedsightingsofcowboys i fw solatorobo HEAVY. amazing game i need to play it more often ngl