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sabrin 4 months ago

audio drama shrine turned out wayyy cooler than i expected. slay!!! i am surprised i was able to pull this off.......

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neocities is my new home now >:)
hey - im curious, does ur super cool iframe with the different buttons use any javascript or is that possible without it?
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sabrin 9 months ago

hey!! thanks so much :) do you mean the scrolling fanclub button thingies? no javascript there (i don't know javascript yet lol) i just copied and pasted the buttons a bajillion times over to make the marquee scroll seem endless which is not at ALL efficient but. it's all i got for now

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interstellar-shipwreck 9 months ago

nahhh i meant the navi section - i've never seen anyone do that without java! that or ive just been wayyyy to scared to touch iframes... might have to, though. hope they're not too tricky.

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sabrin 9 months ago

aah! yes that's just an iframe :) they're pretty fun to use once you get the hang of it (and less intimidating than they seem at first)! they're just regular old links with the target="nameofiframe" i hope that helps!! feel free to right-click and inspect element on my site if u'd like

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1 year ago

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