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Nice website. I can clearly see the inspiration from 2000-ish Pokemon website. I look forward to updates in the future. Keep up the good work!
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Nice website. I quite like your page for your anime watchlist. May I make a show suggestion? If you enjoyed Odd Taxi, you will probably enjoy Warau Salesman as it also focuses on societal pressures and the psychology of the characters. That aside, keep up the good work!
koinuko 2 years ago

I've actually heard of that one, I want to watch it eventually! I need to add it to my watchlist so I don't forget about it. I appreciate the suggestion!

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pagespages 2 years ago

You are welcome!

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sakana 2 years ago

I've seen both Warau Salesman New (the 2017 series) and the original, in that order! Overall I felt the '89 series handled its themes and atmosphere better, but if you liked the original, I would still watch New. It's a surprising amount of original (not rebooted) stories, and without giving spoilers, the last couple of episodes do something interesting and subvert the usual Warau formula a little.

pagespages 2 years ago

Well, now I know what to watch next! Thank you!

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Oooh. A Kirby and and Evangelion fan with a nice website to boot? What is not to like here! Keep up the good work!
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THANK YOU FOR RANTING ABOUT THE RECENCY BIAS IN OTAKU CULTURE!!! Luckily, my local anime store still has items from older shows. I hope you find another, better-stocked store for anime goods.
boothworldindustries 2 years ago

aa ty!! ;w; Yea the area I live in isnt the best for shopping in general (For reference we usually have to go out of town to get a decent walmart) but even the more fancier places have these problems >:I I usually do my shopping online but theres a certain joy with finding lucky star on dvd yknow? ;o;

0ekekddddd 2 years ago

the anime crowd has grown further from its roots... we oughta be disappointed as soon as hatsune miku becomes "obscure"

pagespages 2 years ago

I know what you mean. My local store had some Space Battleship Yamato and L-Gaim models, as well as Tokyopop, ADV and CMX manga from the 1970s(!) to the 2000s. I wish stores like that were more common, as a friend of mine went to another nearby store and they only had new Shonen Jump titles, according to him. It just seems the way things are. Let's hope that reboot shows change that.

Nice website! Love your concept for your site. Might I suggest going onto The Wayback Machine and going onto popular Otaku websites. They provide some very interesting finds as far as titles are concerned. Shows otherwise out of the contemporary otaku's eye are revealed.
pagespages 2 years ago

What anime (preferably from 1960s-2000s) should I watch after finishing Space Battleship Yamato and Zenki? All suggestions are appreciated.

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Nice website. Love your screen name as well as your web content and tastes. Seeing that you like horror films, you should consider House of Wax (1953), it is a well produced production, but verges on being more in line with a murder mystery at times. The Abominable Doctor Phibes and The Beast Must Die (short cut, not extended or theatrical cuts) are also films that I found worth a watch. Keep up the good work!
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beaujean 2 years ago

Hello pagespages, thank you so much for your kind comment. And thank you for the movie recommendations, I will definetly check them out :)

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Nice site. Your travelogues were nice reads and photos were lovely to look at. Seeing your auto imagery, I assume you like Initial D, if so, my music playlist has songs from the soundtrack, as well as songs related to the franchise. That aside, keep up the good work!
saint-images 2 years ago

Thank you, I'm really glad you've enjoyed my website. Initial D was a major turning point in my life as it was the first anime I watched, and it was the thing that sucked me into the Japanese cultural rabbit hole.

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