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19,299 updates
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Nice website. I have seen you around and was wanting to follow, but I am unable to comment normally on Neocities profiles, except for followers. I really enjoy the website that you are constructing so far and I look forward to what you will go on to do on here. Keep up the good work!
blessed-cursed 2 years ago

thank you sm!! s2 i really enjoy your site and surely you are one of the reasons i decided to give neocities a try! s2s2 i really like your website sm :D

I forgot to mention that I have just surpassed 15,000 updates. Thank you to all of my followers, past and present, for giving me the motivation to make this happen.
I updated some of my backlog on MAL, particularly, shows that somebody I know recommended to me (also recommended Panty & Stocking). Needless to say, you could probably guess how I felt about them. See it here:
pnnamerica 2 years ago

>Cowboy Bebop 9 - OOOF

1 like
pnnamerica 2 years ago

Did not age well to me

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I have sent a message out concerning the issues with contacting people. Hopefully Neocities will respond soon.
chipsfunfun 2 years ago

what issues? can I have a explanation

pagespages 2 years ago

I have been trying to contact people who I have just followed, including responding to a comment on someone's website (, I have not forgot about you, in case if you are wondering). It seems, that with the exception of comments on a few followers site pages (your's being one of them, Chip), none of my comments have been going through.

pnnamerica 2 years ago

Happens to me sometimes. Don't know why.

1 like
For some reason it did not list me as a follower. I must have accidentally clicked "Unfollow" at some point. My apologies.
1 like
Nice website. I really like how you have set it up and your choice of name. (I also noticed the Hamtaro on the gamelog, I remember loving the anime when I was younger). That aside, I look forward to future updates. Keep up the good work!
gamera 2 years ago

Hamtaro was one of my childhood animes too, the games were also a lot of fun!! And thank you!

1 like
Is anyone else here disappointed with Chainsaw Man?
beaujean 2 years ago

Recently I finished reading the first two volumes and it was fun, but then I discovered Dorohedoro and it was much better!

1 like

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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