Owl's Roost

17,847 updates
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This color scheme is incredible (and the art! the art is beautiful!). Looking forward to seeing what you do here!
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Owl's Roost was updated.
4 months ago
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Owl's Roost was updated.
4 months ago
owlroost 4 months ago

Enormous update- completely overhauled how the site's put together. Article links will be broken! If you've linked to any page with /articles in the URL, then please take a moment to update those links.

owlroost 4 months ago

Cannot underestimate how much pain this will save me when I want to change page headers or structure.

veyther 4 months ago

Let's goooo!

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riomccloud 4 months ago

Looking very nice!!

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Owl's Roost was updated.
4 months ago
Saw your message about html help cross my feed, thought I'd pass along some good resources that might help. goes from the ground up and even talks about file organization. is one of my favorites to send folks who are just learning. is how I learned!
owlroost 4 months ago

I do also have a ton of more specific resources on my links page (under the htmlcss and webdev tags) if you need anything more specific.

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icecreampizzer 4 months ago

Seconding these resources!! These could help you a bunch :D

starkweather 4 months ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH DAWG!!!!!!!!!i hope youre having a good da

1 like
Stumbled across your page- congrats on two months!
Owl's Roost was updated.
4 months ago
owlroost 4 months ago

Another new index image- the lineless version of the old one is now the main site's image, and I wanted to keep something unique for the Neocities one.

owlroost 4 months ago

Also took a page from an article I had saved to change the preview thumbnail. ;)

Owl's Roost was updated.
5 months ago
owlroost 5 months ago

New article, and new Neocities-specific index art!

kph 5 months ago

Incredible!! I love how clearly you can see the piñata texture in this one. One of my favorite details.

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Owl's Roost was updated.
5 months ago
Optional pink mode is now on the settings page. If you're a fan of pink, then you can view the Roost in your favorite color!
owlroost 5 months ago

On a related note, the code for custom themes is cleaned up enough that I can make more themes without much difficulty. Planning to make the buttons a drop-down and then see about automating theme additions.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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queer technology writing accessibility furry