Owl's Roost

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Hey, good taste in music! I don't see a lot of other people that know about A Perfect Circle. Thirteenth Step is my favorite of their albums, personally.
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drfrankenfurter 2 months ago

Thank you! I always thought they were quite popular, but their name really isn't put out there as much as it should be. Thirteenth Step is beautiful.

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owlroost 2 months ago

Do you have a favorite song of theirs? I'm tied between Passive, The Noose, and Blue. Passive was the first song I heard from them!

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drfrankenfurter 2 months ago

I love Passive and Blue. My favourite has to be Pet—it was the first song I heard from them.

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owlroost 2 months ago

Also a solid choice! I find it neat how much the tone of a song can change while the lyrics are the same: Pet vs Counting Bodies Like Sheep.

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owlroost 3 months ago

Did I make an entire font for this? Yes. Yes I did.

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I am alive btw! Just been working on a zine submission and a subsection of the site (site within a site, really) that doesn't get put in changelogs ;)
I continue to like prose poetry a bit too much (and interpret prompts sideways- it's working, though!).
ryomakesthings 4 months ago

I really appreciate the honesty and self-awareness of this piece, I especially like how you called back to your earlier poems. I love the imagery of the porch in the middle!

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owlroost 4 months ago

Something I've been doing with Muse pieces in general is callbacks! Usually via metaphors echoing forwards. I find it fun and it inspires me to find ways to connect them.

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manyface 4 months ago

this is really beautiful!!! i loved reading it! thank you so much for sharing, the imagery was fantastic and dazzling!

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CreatedMar 9, 2021
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