RatAtomic's Cavern

213 updates
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hi! really cool site so far!! id love to see that list of chill games if you decide to make it!! :) dorfromantik is nice it got me through a time i got food poisoning
ratatomic 2 years ago

aa thank you !! for whatever reason that reminds me of this phenomenon where animal crossing crashes whenever i bring it into the bathroom (??) but also literally thank you sm for your kind words, getting these comments from everyone literally means the world to me

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Yo! Cool site, can't wait to see how it grows
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ratatomic 2 years ago

thank you so much!! !

this is a really late response to one of your journal posts, i havent really checked neocities in awhile (whoopsies) but you come off as a boy to me just cause ive always known simon as a masculine name, but i also dont really consider gender much online
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ratatomic 2 years ago

sorry for the run on sentence im writing this at 6am in my bed

possum1827 2 years ago

no apologies necessary :D (my journal posts r run-on sentence CENTRAL lol so fr no worries) ANYWAYS tyvm for your input it is greatly appreciated + i appreciate you + <3 /p

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1 like
hi nice website! can't wait to see what other ttrpgs you recommend!!
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ratatomic 2 years ago

!! thank you!!! ive had my eyes on mork borg lately, but i need to actually get to playing it before i can say anything abt it lmao

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CreatedNov 12, 2022
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