Owl's Roost

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owlroost 3 years ago

Updated contact info- we've changed emails.

owlroost 3 years ago

Also added Riseup and WebBrowser to the tech links and made some tweaks to the about page.

e-wizard 3 years ago

Thanks for the profilemaker tool, it was very helpful. Looking into the Linux things as well. I put Ubuntu on my computer recently.

Think that'll be all for today- did a significant overhaul of the navigation system and streamlined the site a bit. Also categorized resources and moved categories onto their own pages; we added a section for technology links while we were at it. Also made significant tweaks to the homepage and made it easier to copy our banner without having to host it yourself.
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Added a whole new section to the site.

Website Stats

Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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