Owl's Roost

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owlroost 3 years ago

Porting over some pages from another site we made.

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owlroost 3 years ago

Removed unused glossary words.

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owlroost 3 years ago

Added Niko's page.

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owlroost 3 years ago

Added the page for the Fictional Blob and Sol, edited sitemap and about accordingly. Todo: Add Niko's page and figure out who else wants one.

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owlroost 3 years ago

New navigation and a site map! Navigation is a little hacky but it does the job and should be keyboard-accessible; need to verify that it still works for a screenreader soon, but we're running out of energy. Will do it next time we have the chance.

owlroost 3 years ago

Navigation looks pretty much identical on desktop- it really shows on mobile. Hooray for saving space!

Looking into iframe so we don't have to manually update a lot of pages every time we change the navigation. If we can figure it out and it works for this, it should help save some time.
owlroost 3 years ago

Not worth it at the moment but a good option. Going to spend some time optimizing for mobile now.

owlroost 3 years ago

Just about finished Lotus's page. Need to figure out how to make it work better on mobile but on desktop, it's pretty much done.

owlroost 3 years ago

Added a code at the bottom.

owlroost 3 years ago

And worked on Lotus's site- weird that it grouped together two edits a day apart.

owlroost 3 years ago

This is obviously nowhere near done, but we're tired and Lotus would rather we sleep than work on aer page. To bed we go!

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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writing furry poetry accessibility queer