Owl's Roost

17,922 updates
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owlroost 3 years ago

Updated literally every page on the site to make nice navigation buttons (still fine-tuning that), fix navigtion for mobile again, and make a page for Hider Girl. Lotus's page is next.

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owlroost 3 years ago

Working on adding personal pages for those that want them.

owlroost 3 years ago

Have to say, it's odd working on a page that we (peeps) wouldn't normally like all that much because it's not our aesthetic. Kaz is happy though, and it's their page!

owlroost 3 years ago

Implemented a basic content security policy.

Hello! ^u^
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owlroost 3 years ago

More minor improvements and a few more links. Still a lot more to add but links are being moved onto the local site's version.

owlroost 3 years ago

Also rewrote the "how we work" section of our about page and tweaked a few FAQ sections to make them easier to understand and more accurate to us.

owlroost 3 years ago

Quite a few minor changes with tonight's round of updates! Lightened background color slightly to improve readability since quite a few people we know have issues with pure black and white. Increased line spacing to improve readability. Changed primary site font to Verdana. Tweaked formatting to optimize for terminal browsers. Made email into a mailto: link in the Contacts section...

owlroost 3 years ago

We could keep going, but it's a lot of little updates that improved readability and fixed bad coding from the first time around (good lord past us, use hr instead of hacking it together with bottom borders and div mazes!).

owlroost 3 years ago

Wow, that screenshot is a mess. Still have to do formatting so it's not a mass of raw text- the formatted text can be found on the technology resource page as a PDF.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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