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I'm so sorry you weren't able to catch the kitten! I can just imagine how frustrated you must have been!
thanks for your words, divergentrays. I feel bad that I didn't know what happened to him but it was the guy's fault, he was a jerk really lol
But my mom may have his phone number since that guy is a real state agent and my mom met him once when she was seeing a house, so I'm going to at least pester him for information about the kitty
If he found a owner I'm ok, he was only there for 2 days so maybe the guy gave him to another person. But if I can't contact him, I'm talking walks everyday anyway so if I see/hear him again I'll be sure to catch him!
Actually I went took a walk yesterday even though it was Sunday (I don't usually take a walk on Sundays here bc there isn't a lot of people exercising) just so I could pass by the house but I didn't hear any meows or anything so I was pretty dissapointed
But², I didn't saw his body on the street so I'm glad that he wasn't hit by a car and died so he either find a new home or he in that same house or another house in the street