524 updates
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I really love your website <3
mleko 3 weeks ago

i like the dark cherry type of colors you picked. reminds me a lot of 80s movies set in the mid-west for some reason

mleko 3 weeks ago

and thanks

the-mask-of-blackjack 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much !! And you're welcome too

YAYAYYAYAY Finally made an announcement page for my website and project !! I've been so inspired by sm ppls sites I wanted to try mix different elements I like into mine and it's been sm fun!
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Your website looks so pretty !!
fuchi 1 month ago

omg tysm!!!

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Summer holiday come quick challenge so that I can code and draw forever
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Working on putting more pages for my site!! I wanted to try post my art work since I haven't been putting more of my work out on my site so, here is some art!!
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I just found your website and it's so amazing omg!!
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laikalaika 4 months ago

thank you =]

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LORDDD YOUR WEBSITE IS JUST PERFECT OMG!! How long have you been coding for? Also, may I take inspo from the calendar you made? If not that's completely fine. (Btw your birthday is a day after mine teehee !!)
aioi 4 months ago

Σ(°ロ°) ANOTHER BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!! I've been coding since last year! (It's a messy timeline but I 'coded' some in my youth too!). and of course you can!! thank you for asking!!

the-mask-of-blackjack 4 months ago

YAHOO!! ^_^)/ and wow, you're so amazing at it, I wish to be as good as you someday. And thank you so much, I've just been trying to find a way to get the calendar dates to show different popups/events when you click on them. I wanted to try out something similar.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 16, 2023
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webcomics webcomic art ocs comics