Lost Letters

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lostletters 2 years ago

added links to my RSS feed for my sporadic blog posts:

hi! do you know if there's still anything like the q*bee around today? i saw your page about it and i think it's so cool, and it inspired me to try making some little pixel quilt patches myself based on a real quilt i made a few months ago! i posted it here :^) thanks so much for the inspiration!
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lostletters 2 years ago

Wow, your patch is gorgeous! I'm sure your real life quilt is just as stunning. In the process of researching for my shrine, I actually got in contact with the former Queen Bees. There is interest in starting the club up again, but there aren't actual plans to do so at the moment. In terms of active pixel art communities, I've only come across Pixel Dailies on Discord, but it's much more open ended than the q*bee.

lostletters 2 years ago

I started the Afternoon Tea Pixel Club (, but it's more like a pixel clique than a full-blown q*bee site. If a low-key club like that is more your style, there's also & &

hillhouse 2 years ago

amazing, thank you so much for all those links!!! i'll def be checking out those clubs and making some stuff for them <3

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I spent way too much time writing a summary/guide to various pixel art virtual pets sites with tips I wish I knew before starting (and accidentally killing four dragons RIP 😭) in case anyone else wants to start collecting fun virtual pets too 🥚🐣🐉
blissnet 2 years ago

Cool Awesome guide, I'll check it out

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lostletters 2 years ago

Thanks so much, Cinderpeach! I hope you find a site to join and enjoy collecting pets.

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very pretty site!! :)
lostletters 2 years ago

Thanks so much :D

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I poured so many hours into my new shrine for The * Quilting * Bee, a pixel art club from 2000-2014. If you're a former bee, please let me know! I'd love to reconnect <3
cinni 2 years ago

YES this is absolutely amazing!! I remember going on the qbee as a kid and finding it so magical. Even though I never participated in it myself it was my favorite pass time to look at everyone’s beautifully crafted sites and quilts. I miss that part of the internet so much and would love to see it back<3

hillhouse 2 years ago

this is so cool!! i was never part of the quilting bee but this page makes me want to make my own pixel quilt… i might experiment with that just for fun!


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