Beta 3.1.0: Found a nifty shoutbox online, embedded as a pseudo chat system. Just nifty, I don't expect noone to use it lol. Also shifting shit around to make things easier, like streamlining css and whatnot. Also made a checklist that shows what I have planned
Beta 3.0.9: Big overhaul, moved stuff around, cleaned up css, un-cleaned up css, fixed some image fucks, added a splash page, added plaid, added utenavi
In case you were wondering, danger/u/ is down while it moves servers, should be back up in the future
hopefully it yields better results. Right now the video just has the sandbox blinking morse code gifs as the ones on the homepage, so we must be missing something.
Beta 3.0.8: Remaking the navi part of the site, gonna have fun links n shit. yah
Thanks man :) hm, when I tested the gb this morning it seemed to work fine, must've been a problem with the guestbook host site