Meersalz Insel

337 updates
0 tips
Woah! Looking spiffy. ♥ I'm going to go update your link button.
meersalz 3 years ago

Thanks a lot!! Really needed this breath of fresh air!

1 like
meersalz 3 years ago

I only kept this update up because I want y'all to listen to the song ( and because I can't forgive myself for not properly crediting this video, when it's literally the reason why Kirsche looks like the way she does

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meersalz 3 years ago

Okay, also made an ACTUAL post. Not necessarily to compensate, it's just the idea hit me.

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Thank you for the follow!!
automatic-llama 3 years ago

Thank you for the follow back! I like your site!

meersalz 3 years ago

Ahh, that's really kind of you! I also really like your stuff, it's got that magical realism vibe to it :D

automatic-llama 3 years ago

Thank you Kirsh!

1 like
letslearntogether 3 years ago

A jewel indeed. ♥

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meersalz 3 years ago

Thank you so, so much for the kind comment! <3 It means a lot!

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MAJOR site overhaul! I repeat, MAJOR site overhaul! Thus my inactivity these past few days. I'll get back and respond to y'all's posts tomorrow -- it's sleepy time right now on the island. (Though, I still don't know how to code. Please point out to me any issues you find with the site, especially accessibility stuff!!)
thefurnace 3 years ago

Looks nice and functional. Good job!

meersalz 3 years ago

Thanks a lot!!!

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Good luck with your site, fellow sea-dweller!
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Thank you so much for the suggestion, btw!! Will keep it in mind!!!
eyesonthelens 3 years ago

Yeah, it's really a hassle but it works!!

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The updates page is really selling this poor ol' site short. I uploaded an article (check Pocket Jewels)!! I did do proper work and didn't just add in colors and dummy text!!!
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meersalz 3 years ago

Please, do tell if something isn't working properly btw! I'm REALLY no programmer haha

1 like
eyesonthelens 3 years ago

Yes!! When I publish something I want to expose to the Neocities users, I just publish it last and the rest of updates I upload them before


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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedAug 26, 2020
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