A.N. Lucas's Web Lounge

2,183 updates
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anlucas 7 years ago

Finally put up Christmas decorations (why do I do these things so late???)

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altroman 7 years ago

Thats some good christmas decorations.

Thanks for Following WebSiteRing!
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Hey anlucas how should I attribute you on my website?
anlucas 7 years ago

Actually, the only stuff on your site i made was the ANLucas button and the NeoCities button. I didn't make the under construction gif though, I got it from one of those gif websites.

jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Oh, whoops. :P I guess I'll just attribute the under construction gif to the general internet.

Noo I accidentally deleted the message A.N. Lucas ;( I accidentally clicked delete DX
anthonynaber 7 years ago

What does A.N. stand for?

anlucas 7 years ago

you deleted worlds longest neocites comment chain? u lose one gold star - ✰

anlucas 7 years ago

a.n. could stand 4 anything. Annoying Noob, Anna Nicole, or possibly Autistic Nugget. The world may never know.

anlucas 7 years ago

actually it is to retain relative anonymity on the hectic predator-filled world of the 2010s 'net, which may be a futile effort in this case as a certain 59x59 px icon on my About page could be used to identify and track me down resulting in my demise.

anthonynaber 7 years ago

I've seen longer neocities comment chains, but sorry DX. Also, can A.N. stand for Anthony Naber? :)

yes its middle school
anlucas 7 years ago

yeaaah im experimenting

shelfdust 7 years ago

this is bad bad patrick D:

jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Ooh, spooky! :D

Oh! So, are you the one who made the 'The Web is Yours' button, that I see on so many sites here?
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anlucas 7 years ago

Yep! Prior to launching my site, I wanted to make a button to link back to the web host, so I came up with a sort of unofficial slogan that I felt represented the creative ethic of NeoCities.

1 like
anlucas 7 years ago



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CreatedNov 23, 2013
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html 90s 2000s fireplace art