i finished coding a profile for my ffxi oc on nekoweb! https://vanadiel.nekoweb.org/oc/collie.html it should mostly be mobile friendly (and of course is best viewed horizontally on desktop)!
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i have not necessarily moved to nekoweb, but i have made a website there to slowly regain my skill with coding: https://vanadiel.nekoweb.org/ it is a site primrily meant to hold my final fantasy character profiles, and ill talk about ffxi there. my nekoweb (focused on final fantasy itself and my ff ocs) is not a replacement to my neocities (focused on myself in general). see you there!
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as of now i dont really plan to be social on nekoweb like i have here. im torn on where to devote my time. migrating from NC to NW is a possibility- i will see later down the line.
hi, its been about a year since i first made this site. consider this site to be on (temporary? indefinite?) hiatus. im going to edit this site one last time to clean a few things out. in the future- i will focus on this website again when im much more skilled at pagebuilding, especially in regards to accessibility and mobile responsiveness- i want everyone to be able enjoy my websites.
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i have considered migrating my site onto nekoweb- i am unsure- that decision may not come until some undetermined time, when i am ready to code again. i have forgotten nearly everything about coding in the time i've stopped. mobile compatibility is important for me to consider so i may have to restructure pages to fit with that as well.
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apologies for my inactivity. i have been so busy with my life- thank you for the follows 🖤 and apologies if i missed comments as well. i would love to develop my site further but have been experiencing hand pain issues from my home desk, stalling me from coding for months (on top of being busy with various activities). i would love to continue to develop my site but consider me being on hiatus for now
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despite my time off i've struggled to think of fun layouts to code for additional pages. not sure how long of a break i'll need from coding/designing but just for now, its necessary
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you can get email notifications from my FC2 by using my RSS link here: https://lucard.blog.fc2.com/?xml
i also just added a new guestbook for my art blog (since 123guestbooks services are now closed): https://halloween.atabook.org/