Hello everyone! school's over and I'm back ^^ building this site from the ground up again.
might have to delete a lot of pages (im contemplating just moving accounts for memories sake) for space
Could I ask how you added music to the home page? I cant figure it out for the life of me,,,, Also your page looks amazing!! Your previous site blew me away so I wish you good luck with this one too.
Its not giving me the option to directly reply :( I hope you come back to this comment. I used this code. If you delete "hidden" the controls appear visible. This page is helpful for music players others have made. https://scripted.neocities.org/#music
nooo it didn't show the code I pasted :0 but that site has the basic one I use.
I see the site ty! Do you know what the name of the code option you chose was? I'm just having problems finding a way to upload an mp3 somewhere in a way that will allow my site to use it.
I hosted my mp3 on catbox but you can use any other webhost that supports mp3! The code option is basic music player the third option
Thank you so much, I'm so honored ^o^ your site is gonna be lovely I just know it!
coders block :..(
i know i said i wanted to start afresh but some pages i just can't part with